Welcome to the Home Builders Association of Jackson
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Find a professional to help you with your next home project.
Become A Member
Why should you join the HBAJ?
Learn about the benefits of membership.
Upcoming Events
See what’s on the horizon for members and the community!
Parade of Homes
Explore in Person or Virtually… Coming July 22-24, 2022!
Market your business in the Parade of Homes
Information & Entry Forms
Download the forms and information to join the Parade!
Sponsor the Event
Click here to see all of the sponsorship opportunities available to you!
Place an Ad in the Program
Advertise your business in the official Parade of Homes Guide Book
Sponsor a Project
Sponsor a project and set up a booth onsite during the Parade
Why Become a Member of HBA?
The HBAJ office receives calls weekly from the public looking for builders or subcontractors for their projects. We ONLY refer our members.
As a builder or an associate member, you may need subcontractors, another builder or developer, insurance or real estate agents, advertising experts, etc. We connect our members.
We encourage our members to do business with other members! We will help market your business to other HBAJ members through the HBAJMI.COM website banner ads, digital advertising, e-blasts, event sponsorships, Elevations Newsletter, Member Directory & Resource Guide and more. We help market our members.
HBA of Jackson members save money on Home Show Booth Costs, Parade of Homes Entries, HBAJ Events, plus many other discounts and rebates including a 10% savings on all general merchandise at Meijer and GM discounts on vehicles. We Save our members money.
Your membership includes 3 in 1 membership in the HBA of Jackson, the HBA of Michigan and the National Association of Home Builders. Use these credentials in your marketing to build consumer confidence. We give our members credibility.
Become A Member
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Cras ultricies ligula sed magna dictum porta. Mauris blandit aliquet elit, eget tincidunt nibh pulvinar a. Proin eget tortor risus
Home Builders Association of Jackson
1815 E. High Street
Jackson, Michigan 49203
(517) 783-4800